in Japan
Mystic touch of
Indian mystic OSHO sought last meditation group "Sammasati"
Pradeepa comes to Japan from California for the first time
Sammasati supports mindfulness that touches the soul of meditation and touches the depth and profundity of our humanity.
In the age of AI, it is time for us to deepen our spirituality.
*If you need English guidance, please contact us before making an appointment.

Sammasati, translated in Japanese as "righteous intention," is the last words of the Buddha before he left this world.
In a world of deepening chaos, we must behave and not be rude, so that we will not get hurt, so that we can live each day safely, and if we strive correctly, we will succeed! and society has taught us to control and oppress. What is right?
Everyone needs time to unburden their shoulders for a moment and pause to themselves before a time of great transformation.
Whatever thought passes on the screen of your mind, just be a watcher. Whatever emotion passes on the screen of your heart, just remain a witness, don't get involved, don't get identified, don't evaluate what is good, what is bad; that is not part of your meditation. Your meditation has to be choiceless awareness.
Osho, The New Dawn, Talk #16
Sammasati is the last meditation group OSHO sought.
OSHO is known for its revolutionary contributions to the science of inner transformation and its approach to meditation in light of the busy pace of modern life.
The Sammasati meditation group, led by Pradeepa, has been invited to and held in many parts of India, Italy, England, Germany, the United States, Mexico, and other countries over the past 34 years since its inception in 1989. This is the first time Sammasati has been held in Japan.
Pradeepa will support you in deepening your mindfulness as the group progresses.
Osho had asked for something like vipassana but different, this felt like a kind of zen koan for me.
Reflecting on some of the many vipassana retreats and other meditation workshops I've lead, some of the biggest challenges for meditators had been taking themselves so seriously, getting despondent over their lack of mindfullness, becoming more conscious of the blind spots we all have, and really needing all the encouragement I could imagine!
Having always loved supporting friends ability to see the joke, the absurd dilemma of trying hard to “get enlightened”, being ambitious, competitive or equally feeling like that they worst ever meditator, the least conscious of anyone,. I’ve always been interested in looking at where all these judgements came from?
When I researched Osho's multiple words on judgements, my creativity was stimulated into all sorts of fun games, little psychodramas and meditation exercises I could offer, hopefully to deflate the spiritual hopes and fears we have, and bring us more into each moment ,living more spontaneously and simply - and be a joke unto ourselves!!!
Over the years, Osho so often ended a discourse with a slew of jokes, it always felt he wanted us to have a sense of humor about our human condition - no matter our nationality or ethnicity there was a joke for every variety of human stupidity and conditioning.

What you get at Sammasati
Pradeepa supports deepening mindfulness as the group progresses. Beyond left-brained, logical judgments, one can savor the latent right-brained abilities, intuition and creativity that are inherent in people.
1) Intuition
The difference between what the head judges and what the body knows can be grasped with the body.
2) Insight
You will learn to trust that you "just know/know" rather than have an answer to something.
3) Self-affirmation
You will gain a sense of security and acceptance of yourself as you are, not as you are evaluated by others or society.
4) Empathy
You will gain a sense that others are not enemies, but objects of sharing, with whom it is possible to connect through the heart.
5) Playfulness
You will gain a sense of experience with the realization that life is not serious.
At this moment, you are the most blessed people on earth.
Remembering yourself as Buddha is the most precious experience.
Because it is your eternity, your immortality.
It is not you, it is your very being.
You are no longer separate.
Buddha's last words were Sammasati.
Remember that you are Buddha. Sammasati......
OSHO : The Zen Manifesto
Retreat in Kyoto(Kasagi)
Course Application
*If you need English guidance, please contact us before making an appointment.
Fees / Application
Prem Pradeepa
Pradeepa took sannyas in 1975 and was told by OSHO to start a Vipassana retreat when Multiversity began later that year.
She had previously sat Vipassana in England, Sri Lanka, and India.
A year later, OSHO told her to start a zazen retreat and to begin training meditation teachers.
Over the years, many diverse meditation programs emerged, and OSHO regularly sent out messages to create new groups so that even more people could participate.
It was during the last year that OSHO was in physical form that Pradeepa received the message to create a new group, like Vipassana, but different from it! What in the world could they expect us to do?
Anyway, this is how the Sammasati group came into being at OSHO's request.
Pradeepa became co-director of the meditation academy, and as leader of the meditation group, she had many opportunities to receive direct instruction from OSHO on various aspects of meditation; OSHO would direct people to Pradeepa when they had questions about meditation, and Pradeepa was the first to give instructions on how to meditate.
Since the 1970s, Pradeepa has started many meditation groups and trainings and has continued to adjust their flavor and content as she has gained shared experience with many colleagues. Since meditation is not only a sitting meditation but also a way of life, special structures and games have been devised to make it as simple and easy as possible to deepen mindfulness.
She has held meditation sessions in Pune, Rishikesh, Delhi, and Dharamsala, and throughout Europe, Mexico, and the United States. She has become known for her love, meditation, and sense of humor.
She now lives near San Francisco and rarely does group work these days, nor does she teach online.
This is the first time ever Pradeepa is offering any workshops in Japan & very well may be the last.

On Pradeepa's First Visit to Japan

Majnu (Yoshiro Shoji)
Lives in Goa, India
Ayurveda shopping site Saffron Road manager / Meditation Facilitator
Pradeepa was the woman who led the group, guided directly by OSHO. And she is one of the few who has many personal stories that have not been officially recorded.
In July 1984, when I was in my 30s, I visited my first meditation center in the United States. The large meditation hall there was filled with hundreds of people from all over the world meditating together with a vibrancy and enthusiasm that I could not find anywhere else.
I fell in love with two of OSHO's typical active meditations, Dynamic Meditation and Kundalini Meditation, and since I was still young, I was moving, shouting, and dancing around the large hall in every direction. In the middle of my meditation, I bumped into "something" and opened my eyes, and it was Pradeepa, who was leading the meditation, smiling at me as I bumped into her. This was my first encounter with her.
The next year I attended a 9-day Vipassana meditation retreat where I had a great meditation experience, and it was also Pradeepa who laughingly encouraged me to return to my normal routine after that intense experience.
In the late 1980s, I was assisting Pradeepa's meditation group while translating OSHO books. At each work session, she would share with me many stories of her unique experiences, including the direct guidance and words she received from OSHO and the mental care she received from the masters.
This group will be a rare opportunity to be touched by the "mystic touch" of a meditating soul from an entity called Pradeepa who has directly tasted the essence of OSHO. Please try to blow once in this rare wind.
I will also be returning home and assisting Pradeepa's meditation group for the first time in really decades. I am very much looking forward to it now.